Bodyswaps research

From its inception, Bodyswaps has grounded its pedagogy in robust evidence, a foundation that we are committed to strengthening. As we move forward, we aim to lead pioneering research into the impact of VR, AI, and immersive learning, ensuring we remain at the forefront of innovation in educational technology.
Man using a VR headset in a training classroom.

Our most recent research

Illustrated graphic with purple background displaying an avatar wearing a Vr headset
Using virtual reality simulation to address racism in a healthcare setting
Discover Unity Health Toronto’s exploration of Bodyswaps’ Let’s Talk About Race modules as an educational tool to support wider anti-racism training.
Illustrated graphic with purple background displaying a clipboard, icon with a graduation hat, a VR headset and an open book
80% of healthcare students increased their confidence in navigating angry conversations in different clinical situations after using Bodyswaps
SHORE-C investigated the feasibility & acceptability of our Navigating Angry Conversations module for students at Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
Illustrated graph with purple background
Independent randomised control trial proves the high impact of Bodyswaps on public speaking skill development.
WhatWorked Education conducted an RCT to evaluate the effectiveness of our Public Speaking & Presentation Skills module across five FE colleges.
Illustration of a navy VR headset with orange Leadership graphics coming off of it
Swapping perspective through VR to teach leadership, public speaking, and communication
Meta created an infographic to represent the results of the Thomas More University report on the utilisation of VR in higher education.
Illustrated graphic of a clipboard with report analytics on the left and a document with analytics on the right
Reflecting reality – An evaluation of the sexual harassment virtual reality pilot training in Indonesia
Read this evaluation of Better Work’s Bodyswaps pilot in Indonesia, which assessed the impact of VR training on sexual harassment awareness and...
Illustrated graphic of a monitor with a magnifying glass above it, and a document with graphs to the left
Immersive virtual reality for soft skills training: Higher education student & instructor perceptions report
Discover higher education student and instructor perceptions of VR training for soft skills in a study conducted by Thomas More University of Applied...
Illustrated graphic of PC and documents on a purple background
National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education: A Bodyswaps Pilot Report
Read about Jisc’s Bodyswaps pilot, which trialled our modules with 183 college and undergraduate students across five tertiary education institutions...

Quick highlights


of students felt they were likely to recommend Bodyswaps to a friend


of educators say Bodyswaps increases student engagement with learning communication skills


of students think Bodyswaps helps their focus

Call for research

We are always exploring research opportunities to investigate the impact of virtual reality and artificial intelligence on the learning experience and its long-term effectiveness.

If you are an academic researcher, educational institution, or research organisation interested in studying the impact of immersive learning in education or healthcare, get in touch.

Submit details on your research or research proposal below.