AI-powered soft skills training for further education students

Set your students up for future success by giving them the opportunity to develop key human skills like resilience, teamwork, and clear communication.


of educators report increased
student engagement
Female avatar waving wearing a red suit
Man using VR headset
Navy mountain vector surrounded by orange circle
Immersive lessons
White AI icon on transparent background
AI roleplay
Employability_ Landing the perfect job, on your own terms _ Abeeku _ Breakout room

Embed skills, enhance confidence

With the growing demand from employers for human skills in the face of a digital future, it’s more important than ever to close the soft skills gap. By embedding engaging and impactful training at further education level, you can help your students develop the skills and confidence they need to stand out, succeed, and secure future success.

Close the soft skills gap with our AI-powered immersive learning platform

Growth Mindset & Resilience
Help your learners develop resilience and confidence to prepare them for the transition to the workplace.
60 minutes
Job Interview - Three Steps to Answering (Almost) Any Question
Empower your learners with a simple, effective technique to answer almost any question.
20 minutes
Job Interview - Landing the Perfect Job, on Your Own Terms!
Equip your learners with a three-step strategy for turning their needs into strengths.
20 minutes
Job Interview - Managing Interview Anxiety
Improve your learners confidence in interviews with three simple methods for managing anxiety.
15 minutes
Job Interview - Interview Simulation
Our ultimate interview simulator, with dynamic questioning and personalised feedback powered by AI.
10 minutes
Career Mindset Development
Give your learners the chance to develop the right mindset for the workplace.
15 minutes

Bodyswaps’ impact on further education

Sandwell video thumbnail
play button

The numbers

After one session of our Job Interview Simulator:


of students would recommend to their peers


identified areas to improve on their skills


of students increased their understanding
of the topic
A recent Ofsted inspection carried out on the 23rd January 2024 in which Bexhill [Sixth Form College] achieved a rating of outstanding highlighted the college using virtual reality to meet emerging skills needs.
Integrating Bodyswaps to Support LSIP Priorities at FE Sussex Report

The research

Don’t just take our word for it, take a look at some independent research and case studies:
WhatWorked research thumbnail

Independent randomised control trial proves the high impact of Bodyswaps on public speaking skill development

WhatWorked Education conducted a randomised control trial to evaluate the effectiveness of our Public Speaking & Pre...
Cartoon image of charts and a magnifying glass on a purple background

Sussex LSIF Project: Integrating Bodyswaps to Support LSIP Priorities

Discover how FE Sussex deployed Bodyswaps to enhance their learners work-readiness, aligning with the Local Skills Improvement Plan.
Cartoon image of a PC and chart documents

National Centre for AI in Tertiary Education:A Bodyswaps Pilot Report

Learn what Jisc, teachers and 183 students across five UK institutions think after trialling four Bodyswaps modules: Managing interview...

Uncover success stories

Preparing students for the future with VR at Coleg Gwent
Coleg Gwent, the largest college in Wales, is on a mission to “change lives through learning”. As part of this, they enhanced digital and soft skills training with Bodyswaps.
Bridging realities through VR integration and virtual work scenarios at City College Plymouth
City College Plymouth integrated Bodyswaps across the college to support employability and soft skills development for their students.
Coleg y Cymoedd
Coleg y Cymoedd embedded Bodyswaps into learning for both students and staff, empowering everyone to enhance their soft skills.
Sandwell College
Sandwell College, UK, looked to future-proof their students’ skills with our innovative, immersive solution.
Mastering Interviews - City of Wolverhampton College
Background Located in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK, the City of Wolverhampton College has 7000 students enrolled as of 2022. In late January 2022,

How do we make an impact?

Dark grey AI icon with transparent background.
Customisable AI roleplays
Tailor AI roleplay simulations to your learners with our no-code customisation tool. Enhanced by AI-powered feedback, your learners will have a truly personalised experience.
Navy graph vector with transparent background
Manage learners, monitor success
Our web-portal, Bodyswaps Go, gives you the power to observe your learners’ progress and success through our modules. Plus, it provides a variety of analytics to help you demonstrate their competency acquisition. 
Navy safety vector with transparent background
Psychological safety
Our immersive scenarios are designed with safety in mind. By giving learners a space in which to learn, practice, and repeat without fear of judgement from others, they can feel more confident in their skill-building

What people say about Bodyswaps

"I have been waiting for VR to transform the way we educate people for the last 15 years – finally Bodyswaps has produced what I have been waiting for. I can’t wait to see what the next 15 years will bring!”
Anne Scrimshaw
Fab Lab Manager, Sandwell College
Coleg y Cymoedd
"I can highly recommend it as a fantastic learning tool! I was very impressed with the quality of the information delivered, the level of interactivity and variety of teaching methods.”
Navy and light grey profile vector.
Health and Social Care Lecturer, City of Wolverhampton College
"Bodyswaps has undergone extensive, independent evaluation, demonstrating its effectiveness in developing essential workplace skills. The platform’s evidence-based approach and measurable impact set a new benchmark for immersive learning." 
Navy and light grey profile vector.
Michael Webb
Director of AI, JISC

Frequently asked

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How do I set up Bodyswaps Go?

pellentesque ac tortor ut, ullamcorper efficitur ante. Quisque commodo scelerisque nunc, ut pretium dui. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla aliquam sit amet nunc in rhcus Duis eros magna, ullamcorper sit amet maximus sit amet, eleifend sit amet ligula. Aenean elementum dignissim mauris, sed viverra leo maximus vel. Fusce nec erat vestibulum, malesuada nunc vel accum ipsumdrgtdder Praesent massa odio, ultrices eget dolor ac, eleifend efficitur libero.

How do I set up Bodyswaps Go?

pellentesque ac tortor ut, ullamcorper efficitur ante. Quisque commodo scelerisque nunc, ut pretium dui. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla aliquam sit amet nunc in rhcus Duis eros magna, ullamcorper sit amet maximus sit amet, eleifend sit amet ligula. Aenean elementum dignissim mauris, sed viverra leo maximus vel. Fusce nec erat vestibulum, malesuada nunc vel accum ipsumdrgtdder Praesent massa odio, ultrices eget dolor ac, eleifend efficitur libero.

How do I set up Bodyswaps Go?

pellentesque ac tortor ut, ullamcorper efficitur ante. Quisque commodo scelerisque nunc, ut pretium dui. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla aliquam sit amet nunc in rhcus Duis eros magna, ullamcorper sit amet maximus sit amet, eleifend sit amet ligula. Aenean elementum dignissim mauris, sed viverra leo maximus vel. Fusce nec erat vestibulum, malesuada nunc vel accum ipsumdrgtdder Praesent massa odio, ultrices eget dolor ac, eleifend efficitur libero.

How do I set up Bodyswaps Go?

pellentesque ac tortor ut, ullamcorper efficitur ante. Quisque commodo scelerisque nunc, ut pretium dui. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla aliquam sit amet nunc in rhcus Duis eros magna, ullamcorper sit amet maximus sit amet, eleifend sit amet ligula. Aenean elementum dignissim mauris, sed viverra leo maximus vel. Fusce nec erat vestibulum, malesuada nunc vel accum ipsumdrgtdder Praesent massa odio, ultrices eget dolor ac, eleifend efficitur libero.

How do I set up Bodyswaps Go?

pellentesque ac tortor ut, ullamcorper efficitur ante. Quisque commodo scelerisque nunc, ut pretium dui. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla aliquam sit amet nunc in rhcus Duis eros magna, ullamcorper sit amet maximus sit amet, eleifend sit amet ligula. Aenean elementum dignissim mauris, sed viverra leo maximus vel. Fusce nec erat vestibulum, malesuada nunc vel accum ipsumdrgtdder Praesent massa odio, ultrices eget dolor ac, eleifend efficitur libero.

Frequently asked questions

How do I deploy Bodyswaps to my learners?

There are a variety of ways to deploy Bodyswaps, depending on you and your learners' needs. We have a number of resources dedicated to assisting with deployment planning, plus our dedicated Customer Success team are on hand to help you figure out the best plan for you.

What level of learner are the modules targeted at?

Our modules are suitable for a range of learners, take a look at our library for more information on individual modules' level.

Do you need a facilitator present while a learner is using the Bodyswaps app?

Bodyswaps can be used in classroom settings with a facilitator present, but it can also be used by individual learners at home or where they feel most comfortable. Our modules are asynchronous learning experiences, giving you the flexibility to slot our modules into your teaching wherever they fit best. As long as learners have access to a phone, laptop, or VR headset, they can use us anywhere.

Does Bodyswaps integrate with Learning Management Systems?

Yes, Bodyswaps can integrate with many popular Learning Management Systems, any systems under the LTi 1.3 standard.

How long are Bodyswaps' modules?

Our modules range in length from 15-60 minutes. But each module contains checkpoints which save learner progress, meaning they don't have to complete a module all at once and can take breaks or revisit sections easily.

Who is Bodyswaps for?

Bodyswaps is suitable for a range of different institutions and learners. Discover some of our key use cases, such as Healthcare, Employability, Workforce Skills, and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

Can my institution try Bodyswaps for free?

We have a range of options for trialling or piloting Bodyswaps at no cost to you. Download a free demo or get the full experience with a trial licence.

What devices do I need to use Bodyswaps?

Bodyswaps is available across a number of PC, mobile, and VR devices. Take a look at our cross-platform features for more details.

Why is it called ‘Bodyswaps’?

Many of our modules contain a "body swap" moment, where the learner swaps bodies with the virtual human they've been interacting with to watch their own performance. This encourages an enhanced level of self-reflection and perspective-taking. Read more about how this fits into our pedagogy.

What languages are the programs available in?

Our modules are primarily in English, but some have French or German subtitles. You can see which modules are in which languages by checking out our library.

Try Bodyswaps

Get instant access to Bodyswaps with our 10-minute demo or get the full experience and try one of our best selling licences for 4 weeks.