TeamSTEPPS® Simulator

Empower your nurses with the TeamSTEPPS® tools for interprofessional collaboration.
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About the module


25 minutes




VR, PC, mobile and web

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LLM & scripted roleplays

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AI-powered personalised feedback

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Completion certificate

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Lesson planning resources

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Who is it for?

This comprehensive module is designed for a diverse range of learners and a broad range of competency levels. It’s particularly beneficial for:

  • Medical Schools and Health & Social Care programmes: Supports the development of foundational interpersonal and communication skills. This module was built with subject matter expertise from the NHS.
  • Healthcare institutions: Equips practitioners and students with vital interpersonal communication skills to enhance interdepartmental interactions.
  • Nursing Programmes: This module's learning objectives are aligned with The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (“The Essentials”) a publication owned by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, which may be accessed here.

The Scenario

In this module, learners will complete a series of immersive scenarios that will help them develop the five key TeamSTEPPS® tools.

Team Strategies & Tools to Enhance Performance & Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS®) 3.0. (Content last reviewed July 2023). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. 

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Learning objectives.

This module helps learners practice 5 key TeamSTEPPS tools:

  • Using the SBAR formula to share patient details with clarity
  • Confirm details and catch errors using check-back
  • Using CUS to make their voice heard when raising clinical concerns
  • Giving and receiving proactive, affirming team support
  • Organising emergency response teams as a situational leader

I highly recommend the TeamSTEPPS Simulator by Bodyswaps. 

It provides candid feedback for all healthcare professionals, novice to expert.  Even after 20+ years in nursing and education, the learner report provided individualized feedback directly aligned with gaps in my actual performance.  The modules are interactive, engaging, and depict real-life scenarios professionals may encounter across the healthcare continuum. Specific skills evaluated throughout the simulation include being proactive, providing affirmations, clear roles and responsibilities, teamwork, and closed-loop communication. 

The TeamSTEPPS simulator is an empowering and evidenced based tool that promises to positively transform healthcare culture resulting in improved client outcomes.

Tiffany Jackson, MSN, MS, RN, CCRN, CNE(n), CHSE

XR Simulation Coordinator, Indiana Wesleyan University

This module was created with the following Subject Matter Expert:


Sam Smith

Sam is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and simulationist at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. As the first CRNA to complete a fellowship in Simulation Education at Cornell, she leads curriculum development for multi-professional and interdisciplinary patient care teams throughout the institution. She is also the CEO and founder of SimWell Innovations- a consulting service for simulation-based learning experiences. SimWell specializes in interprofessional collaboration and supports Bodyswaps in this area of focus.

The Full Course

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The Modern Healthcare Practitioner

Equip your staff and students with essential interpersonal skills to encourage compassionate communication and collaborative care.

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