Let's Talk About Race - Bias as a Barrier

Explore how personal bias affects you and others. Biases are a natural part of how our brains operate. In fact, they're essential. It’s only when we allow them to negatively impact others, that they become a problem. 
In collaboration with:
George Brown College
Bias as a barrier Hero-12
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About the module


35 minutes




VR, PC, mobile and web

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LLM & scripted roleplays

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Who is it for?

This comprehensive module is designed for a diverse range of learners and a broad range of competency levels. It’s particularly beneficial for:

  • Higher Education institutions: Enhances students' cultural awareness and understanding of the importance of DEI, providing them with the tools with which to tackle internal biases and assumptions.
  • Corporations and Enterprises: Supports wider DEI training by offering immersive experiences to place individuals in simulations to enhance real-world awareness. 
  • Further Education colleges: Provide students with an understanding of DEI and the tools with which to tackle their own internal biases.

The Scenario

This simulation explores where biases come from, how they affect us, and demonstrates some useful strategies and techniques for identifying and challenging times when we might be thinking or acting from a based point of view.

This simulation has been co-developed in collaboration with subject matter experts from George Brown College.

Lets Talk About Race_ Bias as a barrier _ Faye (young) _ Rooftop

Learning objectives.

Through this scenario, you will:

  • Witness how your own thinking is shaped by unconscious bias
  • Explore your own experiences of discrimination
  • Critically examine bias in popular media
  • Identify and challenge your own bias

This module was created with the following Subject Matter Experts:


Charlene Dustan

Charlene is a professor and coordinator in the Social Service Program at George Brown College, Before her tenure at the college, over the last 20 years Charlene held a variety of roles working with low-income, marginalized, chronically homeless, and street-involved women. Charlene has served as AGM Ombudsman for Amnesty International Canada, trained as a union human rights race-based complaints employee support, content advisor for the VR simulation Lets talk about race and is a member of The Toronto District School Boards Equity Policy Community Advisory Committee.

Gail Hunter

Gail Hunter has been a Professor and Coordinator of Early Child Education at George Brown College for 33 years. In addition to this, she taught and worked as an Early Childhood Educator, Supervisor, and Early Childhood Advisor with the Toronto Board of Education. In 1989 Gail began her journey of presenting on Anti-Bias Education, in 2018 she was called on to develop Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression courses and workshop modules for the Education sector locally and nationally.

Michael Avis

Michael has worked in the educational sector for over twenty years and has taught domestically and internationally at the primary, secondary, college, and university levels. He has a Bachelor of Education from the University of Toronto in the Centre for Urban Schooling.  His area of study was in the inner-city education program with a commitment to exploring issues of equity and social justice, integrating research-based theory and practice, and advocating change for students traditionally underserved by the system.

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