We're proud to announce that Safeguarding VR, the project we developed with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy has won an IDC European Future of Work award. Here's the official press release:
LONDON, June 23, 2020 — International Data Corporation (IDC) has announced the winners of the first European Future of Work Awards. Future of work is becoming a key topic for C-level executives in organizations across Europe. IDC launched the awards to help organizations share best practices and reward excellence, focusing on transformative projects that make organizations and employees more efficient and more satisfied with their workplace.
Humanitarian Leadership Academy won the Future of Work Culture Award for a highly innovative project using VR to deliver transformative soft skills training, helping employees to see the issues through the eyes of others. The company was supported by soft skills training solution provider BODYSWAPS.
Safeguarding VR is available for free on iOs and Android as well as for Oculus Quest via the learning platform Kaya.