Bodyswaps now available on mobile & PC

 Christophe Mallet , CEO of Bodyswaps
October 8th 2020

BODYSWAPS Gender Inclusion now available for iOS and Android

BODYSWAPS' is now accessible on mobile and PC and we've made our Gender Inclusion training scenario available for free on the App Store and Google Play.

Making BODYSWAPS a cross-platform experience not only enables our clients to reach broader audiences but also opens the door to blended continuous learning programmes where facilitated VR sessions can be complemented by autonomous mobile or PC-based practice at home.

The Gender Inclusion module, developed with our partner Interact, is a 15-minute training experience where you'll practice handling conversations with non-inclusive peers.

In this realistic scenario, you'll meet 2 new colleagues, Sam and Sophie, and learn to:

  • Observe non-inclusive behaviors
  • Ask the right questions to challenge your peers
  • Give blameless feedback and offer solutions to stop sexism

An interactive training app, BODYSWAPS Gender Inclusion challenges you to make choices, to use your own voice and express yourself freely, and to learn by observing yourself behaving in challenging situations.

Finally, you will get personalised feedback and tips to improve thanks to our AI-powered virtual coach. More details about the scenario can be found here.


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