Bodyswaps wins Bronze at the Learning Technologies Awards 2020

 Christophe Mallet , CEO of Bodyswaps
November 18th 2020

BODYSWAPS wins Bronze at the Learning Technologies Awards

LONDON, November 18, 2020

Safeguarding VR, the project BODYSWAPS developed with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy has won the Bronze in the "Most innovative new learning technologies product" category.

Here's what the awards judges had to say about the project:

"We see a lot of VR in this category, but few with the emotive impact of Bodyswaps. Building empathy really is a great use of VR and using it to tackle such a sensitive subject (sexual misconduct in charities and NGOs) is highly impactful. Bodyswaps literally puts you in another person's shoes and allows you to see the impact your unconscious body language and tone can have in a sensitive conversation. The judges can see this project doing a lot of good."

The full list of winners can be found on the Learning Technologies' website.

Safeguarding VR is available for free on iOs and Android as well as for Oculus Quest via the learning platform Kaya.

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