Top 500 VR apps for education (2022)

 Christophe Mallet , CEO of Bodyswaps
August 11th 2022

This resource was created by Rob Theriault, a pioneering VR educator currently working as Immersive Technology Manager at Georgian College.

The list contains over 500 applications designed specifically for education across several categories including soft skills, business, architecture, medical, health & safety, mental health, history and STEM. To our knowledge this is largest list of off-the-shelf virtual reality apps for teaching and learning at colleges and universities.

With most applications offering at least a free trial or free-to-access content, this is a tremendous resource for teachers and educators looking to pilot immersive learning with their students whilst being low on resources.

Finally, the vast majority of those apps are compatible with stand-alone headsets like the Oculus Quest, the Pico Neo 3 or the Vive Focus+.

The list is organised in 4 sections:

  • Applications for experiential learning (376)
  • Empathy building apps (47)
  • Multi-user platforms for teaching synchronously online (47)
  • 360 videos (20)

Disclaimer: The following list is not a complete list and is not intended as a ranking system. The following list does not reflect the views of the author or of Georgian College. For the latest updates on the list, click here.


VR apps for experiential learning

  1. Acupuncture: MAI AcuMap 
  2. Agriculture: Farming
  3. Architecture: Agile Lens 
  4. Architecture: EyeCAD 
  5. Architecture: IrisVR 
  6. Architecture: Origami
  7. Architecture: Resolve 
  8. Architecture: Revit + Enscape + Iris  
  9. Architecture: Sentio VR (Quest 2)
  10. Architecture: The Wild collaborative space
  11. Art: Art Studio VR 
  12. Art: BrushWork WebXR 
  13. Art: Gravity Sketch 
  14. Art: Kingspray graffiti
  15. Art: Tilt Brush copyright video, Math in TB, fashion, Fashion video
  16. Art: Pottery VR
  17. Art: Quill VR for artists and animators
  18. Art: ShapeLab
  19. Art: The Museum of Other Realities (PCVR)
  20. Art: MasterpieceVR - Animation on PC for VR
  21. Art: Vermillion 
  22. Astronomy: VR Spacewalk  
  23. Astronomy: Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars 
  24. Astronomy: HOME 
  25. Astronomy: SpaceVR  
  26. Bartending: Bartender VR Simulator video
  27. Biology: Nanome article, video,
  28. Business: AMP Creative 
  29. Business: Bodyswap 
  30. Business: InStage soft skills
  31. Business: Mursion soft skills
  32. Business: OvationVR public speaking video
  33. Business: Portico soft skills
  34. Business: pwc soft skills 
  35. Business: Quytech
  36. Business: Serious Factory VTS - soft skills
  37. Business: STRIVR business training solutions
  38. Business: Talespin soft skills, article, article
  39. Business: The Glimpse Group 
  40. Business: Vantage Point Soft skills 
  41. Business: Vectre Perspectives
  42. Business: Virsabi
  43. Business: Virtual Bodyworks
  44. Business: Virtual Humans
  45. Business: Virtual Speech
  46. Career: CareerLabsVR 
  47. Career: TRANSFR VR, video
  48. Child & Youth CareL Accenture video
  49. Coffee Barista: Sentireal AR to train baristas
  50. Collaboration: Matrix (mostly for science collaboration)
  51. Communications: In-Stage public speaking
  52. Communications: 911 Operator
  53. Communications: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.
  54. Communications: Star Trek: Bridge Crew for team building 
  55. Correction Services: GTL prisoner rehab and training. Article, video,video, article, article,
  56. Culinary: Lost Recipes
  57. Data Analytics: Virtualitics, Quest compatibility
  58. Data Analytics: BadVR 
  59. Data Analytics: versabi
  60. Data Analytics: Komorebi 
  61. Data Analytics: 3data Also called Virtual Command
  62. Data Analytics: Ulysses
  63. Dental: 
  64. Design: Mindesk for CAD collaboration
  65. Design (Interior): VRTisan, video,  
  66. Disaster Management: Adv Disaster Management
  67. Disaster Management: Environmental Tectonics Corporation Simulation Training Sys
  68. Driving: LogiTech G27 & HTC Vive Driver Sim
  69. Driving: VRmotion - video 
  70. Emergency Preparedness: GTI
  71. Emergency Services: Fire Safety Lab 
  72. Emergency Services: Fire FLAIM Trainer site, FLAIM Training video, Haptics to simulate heat, Webinar
  73. Emergency Services: Fire Guardian Airwaves 
  74. Emergency Services: Fire Mammoth XR, P.A.S.S. training
  75. Emergency Services: Fire One Bonsai fire extinguisher training. Video
  76. Emergency Services: Fire Pixo VR  video
  77. Emergency Services: Fire NEXTGEN Interactions 
  78. Emergency Services: Fire RelyOn Nutec (XVR uses the Teslasuit)
  79. Emergency Services: Fire RiVR Arson investigation, video
  80. Emergency Services: Fire SmartFireFighter
  81. Emergency Services: Fire Vobling 
  82. Emergency Services: Fire & Police XVR,
  83. Emergency Services: Police: Apex Officer 
  84. Emergency Services: Police: Axon VR 
  85. Emergency Services: Police: BCIT BCIT Forensic Investigator Simulator
  86. Emergency Services: Police: Black Marble Ltd article
  87. Emergency Services: Police: Fight training 
  88. Emergency Services: Police: Jigsaw deescalation training. Article re “Trainer”, article
  89. Emergency Services: Police: LEVRS 360 video 
  90. Emergency Services: Police: MobiC
  91. Emergency Services: Police: NSENA de-escalation 
  92. Emergency Services: Police: Crime scene investigation - article 
  93. Emergency Services: Police: Wrap around video virtual training - article & video
  94. Emergency Services: Police: Milo Range (cave style simulation)
  95. Emergency Services: Police: Police Enforcement 
  96. Emergency Services: Police: Refense
  97. Emergency Services: Police: RCMP training, article/video
  98. Emergency Services: Police: Street Smarts VR
  99. Emergency Services: Police: surviVR 
  100.  Emergency Services: Police: Tactical AR 
  101.  Emergency Services: Police: V-Armed article/video
  102.  Emergency Services: Police: VR Police crime scene investigation
  103.  Engineering - Civil: Civil Virtual Reality Laboratory 
  104.  Environmental: Beyond the Diorama: Caribou World PCVR on Steam 
  105.  Environmental: Ocean Acidification article article2 - Stanford University
  106.  Environmental: ecoMUVE 
  107.  Environmental: This is Climate Change - article
  108.  Environmental: Pollinator Park (website with link to webxr)
  109.  Environmental: Tree 
  110.  Environmental:  The Crystal Reef
  111.  Environmental: The Stanford Ocean Acidification Experiment
  112.  Environmental: Being Coral and climate change
  113.  Environmental: Tree 
  114.  Fitness: Beat Saber
  115.  Fitness: BoxVR
  116.  Fitness: Creed: Rise to Glory
  117.  Fitness: Dance Central 
  118.  Fitness: Ohshape
  119.  Fitness: RenderFit 
  120.  Fitness: Supernatural 
  121.  Fitness: Synth Riders
  122.  Fitness: Thrill of the fight
  123.  Flight Services: AVIAR
  124.  Flight Services: Flight Attendant Training using Engage
  125.  Flight Services: Avietra video, video
  126.  Flight Services: TF cabin crew training
  127.  Flight Training: Visionary Training Resources 
  128.  General: 3lbXR. Trades, medical…
  129.  General: Motive Medical, First Responder, Trades 
  130.  General: Serious VR trades
  131.  General: The Glimpse Group
  132.  General: XRdigitech
  133.  General: Universive for Gear VR, Oculus and Vive - video
  134.  General: VEATIVE
  135.  General: VictoryXR
  136.  Health & Safety: Digital Engineering and Magic video
  137.  Health & Safety: Elite VR 
  138.  Health & Safety: 3M, video,
  139.  Health & Safety: Mindglow - Active shooter safety training. video
  140.  History: Hiroshima - article
  141.  History: Lithodomos VR & AR
  142.  Hospitality: Passport To Success Myanmar (360 video hotel training)
  143.  HR: One Bonsai fire extinguisher training. Evacuation
  144.  Indigenous: Cut Off 360 degree video
  145.  Indigenous: IM4 Media Lab 
  146.  Indigenous: Ogoki VR Museum. Language Learning apps. Native America App (VR)
  147.  Indigenous: Never Alone - “an atmospheric puzzle platformer Video
  148.  Interior Design: Chief Architecture (Rift or Vive)
  149.  Interior Design: IrisVR
  150.  Interior Design: Chief Architect - app
  151.  Interior Design: Oneiros
  152.  Interior Design: Spacecard - cardboard solution
  153.  Interior Design: Studios 
  154.  Language: Gaeltech Irish
  155.  Language: Immerse
  156.  Language: immerse
  157.  Language: ImmerseME (browser based)
  158.  Language: LanguageLab 
  159.  Language: Mondly Languages
  160.  Language: Witly - learn from native speakers from around the world
  161.  Language: Wonda VR Spaces Specs video French Harvard Experience
  162.  Language: Virtro 
  163.  Liberal Arts: Within 360 video collection
  164.  Liberal Arts: Allumette (storytelling) 
  165.  Liberal Arts: Collose (storytelling)
  166.  Liberal Arts: Public Speaking - Virtual Orator 
  167.  Liberal Arts: Public Speaking - Ovation, video 
  168.  Liberal Arts: Emblematic - storytelling in VR
  169.  Library: Virtual Community Library  
  170.  Marine: CTRL Reality video
  171.  Marine: Kilo 
  172.  Marine: Kongsberg K-Sim Navigation video
  173.  Marine: Marine Pilots
  174.  Marine: Morild Navigator PCVR (multiplayer)
  175.  Marine: SQLearn 
  176.  Marine: Waartsila Voyage, simulators, video
  177.  Marine: Virtual Marine  study 
  178.  Medical: Anatomy: Biodigital 
  179.  Medical: Anatomy: BodyMap for Quest2 or Vive
  180.  Medical: Anatomy: Sharecare YOU (free)
  181.  Medical: Anatomy: 3D Organon  YouTube channel
  182.  Medical: Anatomy: EducationXR
  183.  Medical: Anatomy: Virtual Medicine Human Anatomy VR 
  184.  Medical: BioFlight VR
  185.  Medical: EasyAnatomy 
  186.  Medical: Empathy platform 
  187.  Medical: ER VR by Immersive VR (the makers of Engage)
  188.  Medical: Fetal Heart VR (App Lab) fetal ultrasound training. Article
  189.  Medical: Fundamental Surgery
  190.  Medical: Lifeliqe VR Museum (free) - have some anatomy applications
  191.  Medical: Luxonic
  192.  Medical: Medical Realities surgical simulation app. 
  193.  Medical: Nurse’s Escape (Sepsis game from UNMC - on Sidequest)
  194.  Medical: The Physiology of the Eye 
  195.  Medical: The Physiology of the Ear 
  196.  Medical: Ultrasound in OBS using VR
  197.  Medical: Ultrasound CAE Health Vimedix
  198.  Medical: Stroke assessment using mixed reality
  199. Medical: Triage in a multi-casualty situation - World of Rescue
  200.  Medical: XVR triage - this might be PC based
  201.  Medical: Virtual Heart from Stanford Children’s - video, article 
  202.  Medical: HVR Medical Training Dental, birth, surgery
  203.  Medical: Virtual Medicine
  204.  Med Patient Sim: 3lbXR (also for trades and other VR training)
  205.  Med Patient Sim: Acadicus 
  206.  Med Patient Sim: Augmented Training Systems. 1st responder training, MCI, Talk
  207.  Med Patient Sim: Avietra First Responder training (triage)
  208.  Med Patient Sim: Axon Park
  209.  Med Patient Sim: BioFlight VR
  210.  Med Patient Sim: Collaborative Human Immersive Interaction Lab
  211.  Med Patient Sim: ConquerExperience Nursing operating room training
  212.  Med Patient Sim: Dynacor Media video
  213.  Med Patient Sim: Dual Good Health ACLS
  214.  Med Patient Sim: EmergeNYC
  215.  Med Patient Sim: Emergisim EMS
  216.  Med Patient Sim: Exonicus Trauma Simulator 
  217.  Med Patient Sim: FundamentalVR 
  218.  Med Patient Sim: Health Scholars 7 ways… ACLS (HOSP) video EMS
  219.  Med Patient Sim: ICOM Productions, sample
  220.  Med Patient Sim: i3Simulation VR
  221.  Med Patient Sim: iciteVR for Nurse Practitioner
  222.  Med Patient Sim: Lucid Reality Labs 
  223.  Med Patient Sim: Medic Rescue - triage from Live Motion Games 
  224.  Med Patient Sim: MedVR Education
  225.  Med Patient Sim: Nurse’s Escape  
  226.  Med Patient Sim: Oxford Medical Simulation 
  227.  Med Patient Sim: Patient Communication Simulators Spark
  228.  Med Patient Sim: PerSim (AR patient sim)
  229.  Med Patient Sim: Real Response triage app, video
  230.  Med Patient Sim: Ractive (CPR)
  231.  Med Patient Sim: RCSI Medical Training
  232.  Med Patient Sim: Surgical Theater
  233.  Med Patient Sim: Triage by Dr Brennen Mills, Edith Cowan University
  234.  Med Patient Sim: Reanimation 
  235.  Med Patient Sim: simvana Anaesthesiology simulation
  236.  Med Patient Sim: SimX - video
  237.  Med Patient Sim:  Shift Bias  covid19 PPE training video, video
  238.  Med Patient Sim: TacMed Emergesim VR MCI Triage video
  239.  Med Patient Sim: UbiSim Nursing simulation
  240.  Med Patient Sim: VR CPR
  241.  Med Patient Sim: VRPatients
  242.  Med Patient Sim: Virtro video 
  243.  Med Patient Sim: Wholearth
  244.  Med Patient Sim: World of Rescue
  245.  Med Patient Sim: Xennial Digital 
  246.  Med Patient Sim: XVR Simulation Triage
  247.  Mental Health Crisis: Axon VR - crisis intervention
  248.  Mental Health Crisis: Lumeto
  249.  Mental Health: BehaVR 
  250.  Mental health: Guided Meditation VR video
  251.  Mental Health: MentallyVR 
  252.  Mental Health: Nature Treks
  253.  Mental Health: Relax VR (Oculus) 
  254.  Mental Health: Remind VR
  255.  Mental Health: Tripp VR 
  256.  Mental Health: VR Pottery 
  257.  Mental health: Mindfulness: WiseMind 
  258.  Museums & Galleries: 7 VR Wonders
  259.  Museums & Galleries: Dreams of Dali 
  260.  Museums & Galleries: Hold The World 
  261.  Museums & Galleries: Boulevard
  262.  Museums & Galleries: Masterworks: Journey Through History 
  263.  Museums & Galleries: Musee d’Orsay, Paris (WebXR)
  264.  Museums & Galleries: Museum of Other Realities  website
  265.  Museums & Galleries: Native American App 
  266.  Museums & Galleries: Nefertari 
  267.  Museums & Galleries: Pompeii 
  268.  Museums & Galleries: Rome Reborn: The Pantheon 
  269.  Museums & Galleries: The Grand Museum VR 
  270.  Museums & Galleries: The Kremer Museum VR Museum
  271.  Museums & Galleries: The Rougeau Gallery
  272.  Museums & Galleries: The OmniGallery 
  273.  M useums & Galleries: VR Museum: Art Through Time 
  274.  Music: Grand Reality learn to play piano
  275.  Nuclear: Tecknotrove Systems
  276.  Opticianry: Physiology of the Eye
  277.  OTA-PTA: Neuro Rehab VR (therapy)
  278.  Pharmacology: article, Kaegi Pharm Museum
  279.  Robotics: VRobot allows you to learn how to build robots in VR
  280.  Simulation: SixSense - health, trades, etc
  281.  Simulation: Tecknotrove Nuclear plant, Air, driving, mining, defense 
  282.  Social Studies: Becoming Homeless app article - Stanford University
  283.  Social Studies: A 1,000 Cut Journey - article, article,
  284.  Social Studies: The Enemy 
  285.  Social Studies: UTURN Gender equity
  286.  Sports: StriVR 
  287.  STEM: Breaking Boundaries
  288.  STEM: Gadgeteer (Physics)
  289.  STEM: Hold The World  
  290.  STEM: Immerse 
  291.  STEM: Inspirit VR
  292.  STEM: Lume VR cell microscopy
  293.  STEM: maroon Web based
  294.  STEM: Nano Symbox iMD article,  
  295.  STEM: Nanome 
  296.  STEM: Neotrie - math-geometry
  297.  STEM: PC Virtual Lab - assembling a PC
  298.  STEM: PNX Labs
  299.  STEM: Prismsvr (App Lab Oculus) - math
  300.  STEM: ScienceVR 
  301.  STEM: VictoryXR 
  302.  STEM: VRlabacademy 
  303.  STEM: Xennialdigital K-12 sciences
  304.  STEM-chemistry: Hololab Champions (Vive, Rift) Video
  305.  STEM-chemistry: HoloLABchampions video
  306.  STEM-chemistry: Qualium Systems video
  307.  STEM-chemistry: MEL Chemistry VR, Website
  308.  STEM-chemistry: SuperChem VR, Video
  309.  STEM-chemistry: LabsterVR Lab simulation, VR introduction to the lab, TED
  310.  STEM-chemistry: SuperChem, Website
  311.  STEM-chemistry: Chemistry Lab VR  
  312.  STEM-chemistry: Chemistry for VR (Oculus)
  313.  STEM-chemistry: VR Chemistry Lab
  314.  STEM - engineering: PNX Labs 
  315.  STEM-physics: Physics games: Gadgeteer by Metanaut
  316.  Subscriptions: SIMA Classroom 
  317.  Teacher Training: VRsatility, article
  318.  Training General: Strivr 
  319.  Trades: 3M working at heights. video
  320.  Trades: AugmentedArc for welding
  321.  Trades: Avatar Partners Mechanics  
  322.  Trades: Brightline Interactive construction VR apps
  323.  Trades: Digital Engineering and Magic - Electrical Power Stations
  324.  Trades: Drill Press training
  325.  Trades: Dynacor Media  demo  
  326.  Trades: Flint mixed reality training e.g. cranes
  327.  Trades: Elevate Training in Fall Protection, Confined Spaces, & Lockout Tagout.
  328.  Trades: Forklift simulator
  329.  Trades: FreerangeR
  330.  Trades: Hinton Scaffold Solutions video
  331.  Trades: immerse 
  332.  Trades: Interplay Learning
  333.  Trades: ITI VR Mixed reality training on various cranes 
  334.  Trades: IVRY Technologies, electrical,  
  335.  Trades: Ludus  
  336.  Trades: Make Real 
  337.  Trades: Mimbus 
  338.  Trades: Modest Tree Xplorer 
  339.  Trades: MultVR 
  340.  Trades: Norcat 
  341. Trades: One Bonsai fire extinguisher training. Lock out tag out (LOTO), Evacuation  
  342.  Trades: Otherside Studio video 
  343.  Trades: PixoVR Video
  344.  Trades: Propel VR
  345.  Trades: Proximity
  346.  Trades: RealityWorks Welding mixed reality training (no HMD)
  347.  Trades: Serious Labs MR experience. Crane operation, fork lift, article, article 
  348.  Trades: Shinybox
  349.  Trades: Short Circuit VR, Steam (free) Electronics
  350.  Trades: StrataTech OcuWeld - welding in VR video
  351.  Trades: UP360
  352.  Trades: Vinci - wind turbine training
  353.  Trades: Virtualware - nuclear plant training
  354.  Trades: VRKshop carpentry
  355.  Trades: VRSafety (360 video)
  356.  Trades: Worksite VR Simulator
  357.  Trades: Wrenchvideo Mechanic
  358.  Trades: Wrench Engine Building Demo (Rift/Vive)  Steam, Oculus video
  359.  Training General: Job Simulator
  360.  Travel & Tourism: Amazon Odyssey app
  361.  Travel & Tourism: The Kremer Museum 
  362.  Travel & Tourism: Atlas Obscura
  363.  Travel & Tourism: Hoppin’ multi player viewing of 360 videos
  364.  Travel & Tourism: Oneiric Masterpieces Paris
  365.  Travel & Tourism: VR Museum of Fine Arts - Steam
  366.  Travel & Tourism: Acute Art VR Art Museum 
  367.  Travel & Tourism: Nefertari:Journey to Eternity - Video
  368.  Travel & Tourism: Lithodomos Ancient sites
  369.  Travel & Tourism: National Geographic
  370.  Travel & Tourism: Palace Of Versailles
  371.  Travel & Tourism: Wander (Oculus Rift, Quest or Go)
  372.  Veterinary: Llama Zoo JetsonVR 
  373.  Veterinary: Think Digital article, video, Dr. Mani Carr, University of Adelaide  
  374.  Veterinary: VictoryXR subscription - e.g. Pig Dissection
  375.  Veterinary: Virginia TechVideo  APK file to sideload to Quest
  376.  Welding: Lincoln Electric


VR apps for building empathy

  1. 1,000 Cut Journey
  2. 3-Fold Games Elderly: “Before I Forget”
  3. After Life - “tragic death of a loved one - family struggles to mend their frayed bonds”
  4. A Mile In My Shoes article
  5. An Autistic Journey  (Vive)
  6. Autism TMI video
  7. A walk through dementia
  8. Axon Policing and empathy, metal health. Article
  9. Bodyswaps 
  10. Becoming Homeless: A Human Experience - video research presentation
  11. Coral Compus: Fighting Climate Change environment
  12. DebiasVR (evidence-based testing and inclusion behavior training) 
  13. Dementia Free. Rift 
  14. Embodied Labs being elderly, interviews, article
  15. Embodied Labs Palliative care 
  16. Equal Equality VR Diversity and Inclusion Training
  17. Goliath: Playing with Reality
  18. Homeless: A Los Angeles Story 
  19. How to create empathy in VR by Jeremy Bailenson
  20. I Am A Man African- American Civil Rights Movement
  21. Mursion “soft skills” 
  22. Out of Exile: LGTBQ+ Description 
  23. Perspectives Diversity & inclusion article
  24. Play an Aspie Life autism free PCVR (Vive)
  25. Podcast: Voice of VR #695
  26. Praxis Labs
  27. Project Empathy
  28. Regatta VR, article Sexual Harassment
  29. Shift Bias  
  30. SIMA “soft skills”
  31. Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab - empathy programs
  32. Social Workers Learn About Child Abuse Through A Child’s Eyes - article
  33. Stanford VHIL: Downloadable apps (requires PCVR)
  34. The Autism Simulator article
  35. The Book of Distance Canada’s racism toward the Japanese (article
  36. The Crystal Reef
  37. The Enemy Social Studies
  38. The Last Goodbye - A Holocaust story, available via WebVR browser 
  39. The Party: A Virtual Experience of Autism
  40. The Stanford Ocean Acidification Experiment
  41. Travelling while Black, trailer
  42. UNVR Syrian refugee crisis
  43. Vantage Point Equity, diversion and inclusion training
  44. VRsatility, article - Not yet available as far as I can tell
  45. We are Alfred - Embodied Labs (learning empathy for the elderly)
  46. Virtual Bodyworks domestic violence, self conversation
  47. Why practicing empathy is important and how VR can help Women in Tech

Multi-user VR platforms for teaching synchronously online

  1. 3D WebWorldz (WebXR)
  2. Adaptika
  3. AfterNow 
  4. Altspace VR - video, video, example 
  5. AnyLand
  6. Artgate is both an art gallery and spatial network
  7. Arthur 
  8. BigScreen Cinema 
  9. CMCviewR collaboration and experiential platform 
  10. Couch Live WebXR article
  11. Cybalounge - not clear is this is a PC or immersive VR platform
  12. DecentraLand  
  13. EngageVR video, video,  FAQs, e.g. class, conference - Best platform, best features
  14. Garou - high fidelity via PCVR.
  15. High Fidelity 
  16. Hoppin’ multi player viewing of 360 videos
  17. Immersed
  18. iSee
  19. LearnBrite 
  20. MeetingRoom  
  21. Mindshow or on Steam
  22. mootup (same as Learnbrite?)
  23. Mozilla Spokes for world building
  24. Neos VR
  25. Oculus Rooms
  26. Pagoni VR Chimera
  27. Pluto VR 
  28. RAUM
  29. REMIO
  30. rumii
  31. Sansar is the creator beta version of Second Life for VR
  32. Sinespace  
  33. Somnium Space
  34. Spaces 
  35. Spatial 
  36. Tivoli Cloud VR 
  37. VirBELA 
  38. vTime 
  39. VRChat  Steam
  40. VREDDO  video
  41. Tivoli Cloud VR, video,
  42. UtopiaVR (british Columbia)
  43. Virtual Presentation Space video
  44. Vive Synch 
  45. Whiteboard VR  App WebVR
  46. WondaVR
  47. XRspace

360 videos

  1.  WITHIN - source for great 360 video content
  2.  Art: Reuben Margolin - Waves Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
  3.  Climate: Melting Ice
  4.  Climate: Feast
  5.  Climate: Famine
  6.  Climate: Fire
  7.  Climate: Bring Water To The Thar Desert
  8.  Climate:Homeless: A Los Angeles story Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
  9.  Conservation: “As it is“ the Grand Canyon
  10.  Cosmology: The day the Asteroid Struck
  11.  Covid: Inside Covid19, regular video 
  12.  Documentary: The Sun Ladies - “The Sun Ladies VR takes the viewer on an intimate journey to the lives of a group of Yazidi women fighting ISIS in Iraq” Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)  
  13.  Documentary: The wings of Mosul Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
  14.  Documentary: Women Fighting Terrorism 
  15.  Emergency: Car crash
  16.  Emergency: VR Flood
  17.  Empathy: Space/Climate: The overview effect Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
  18.  Empathy: I am Rohingya
  19.  Empathy: Clouds Over Sidra
  20.  Tourism: Cave paintings in Spain. Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)


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