Bodyswaps library

Explore our extensive library of modules, AI-powered roleplays, and pre-made learning pathways. Our learning content covers essential human skills for education, workplace, and healthcare settings.

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Active Listening

The dos and don'ts of constructive listening
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Active Listening in Healthcare

Customise an AI-powered healthcare scenario to help your students build empathy and communication skills.

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Active Listening in the Workplace

Customise an AI-powered active listening scenario to help your students build communication skills.

Communicating in a Person-centred Way - Getting to Know Each Individual

Enable your health and social care students to develop essential communication skills for person-centred care.

Communicating in a Person-centred Way - Acting With Empathy

Equip your students with the skills to understand others’ points of view and see things from their perspective, emphasising the importance of empathy in health and social care.

Navigating Angry Conversations With Patients

A series of VR training simulations to help newly qualified doctors and medical students to improve patient communications. Developed with The Royal Society of Medicine (RSM).

Equity & Anti-racism in Global Healthcare

A psychologically safe space where healthcare professionals can explore their own implicit biases and motivations.
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The Mental Health Practitioner

Practise speaking to a patient with acute anxiety and depression, who is having suicidal thoughts.
Avatar roleplay thumbnail of a woman with brown hair on a train

Customer Experience - Making a Bad Situation Better

Discover three golden rules for emotionally-charged customer situations.
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Create an interactive, AI-powered debate - customise the topic and adjust the difficulty level to provide a personalised experience for your learners.

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Customer Experience - Improving Customer Service in Difficult Situations

Help customers feel valued, reassured and in control during disruption

Job Interview - Interview Simulation

The ultimate interview preparation featuring 60 top interview questions

Job Interview - Managing Interview Anxiety

An interview should be your time to shine, but nerves and anxiety can hold you back. This module looks at three simple methods to build confidence and manage anxiety.

Job Interview - Landing the Perfect Job, on Your Own Terms!

Learn how to turn your needs into strengths with a three-step strategy

Job Interview - Three Steps to Answering (Almost) Any Question

Bodyswaps’ Job Interview Simulator is a first-of-its-kind solution, empowering students to learn interview techniques, perfect their pitch and practise dozens of interview questions. Discover a simple, effective technique to answer almost any question.

Career Mindset Development

Get your career off on the right track.

Inclusive Leadership - Resolving Conflict

How to create an inclusive team environment.

Clear Communication

The dos and don'ts of communicating with impact.

Inclusive Leadership - Giving Feedback

How to challenge non-inclusive behaviour.

Inclusive Leadership - Understanding Conflict

How to uncover and understand conflicts.

Gender Inclusion

Challenging non-inclusive behaviour. This scenario has been co-developed with Interact, an award-winning London-based training consultancy specialised in experiential learning.

Let's Talk About Race - Recognising Privilege

Explore how privilege (or lack of it) shapes our lives. Privilege and oppression are two sides of the same coin. Where systems exist that benefit one group, they create a barrier for others.

Let's Talk About Race - Bias as a Barrier

Explore how personal bias affects you and others. Biases are a natural part of how our brains operate. In fact, they're essential. It’s only when we allow them to negatively impact others, that they become a problem. 

Let's Talk About Race - Navigating Microaggressions

Identify and challenge microaggressions safely and effectively. Overt racism is easy to spot. But microaggressions - subtle everyday slights, snubs and insults - are often invisible to anyone who hasn't been on the receiving end themselves.
Female avatar with red T-shirt at an office

Saying No to Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is still a workplace problem - and it’s getting worse!

Growth Mindset & Resilience

Help your students develop positive attitudes, resilience, and confidence to prepare them for the transition to the workplace.

Workplace Communication

Empower your students and workforce to build the skills they need to foster personal and professional relationships and communicate effectively in the workplace.

Negotiation & Conflict Management - Approach & Mindset

A three-module series, created in collaboration with Sage, that helps learners grow the skills necessary for successful negotiation and conflict management.

Negotiation & Conflict Management - Gaining Influence and Greater Value in Negotiations

How to uncover and understand conflicts

Negotiation & Conflict Management - Laying the Groundwork for Negotiation

A three-module series, created in collaboration with Sage, that helps learners grow the skills necessary for successful negotiation and conflict management.

TeamSTEPPS Simulator

Prepare your healthcare staff and students with essential skills for effective interpersonal communication.

Talented Teamwork

Upgrade teamwork training for your students, enhance their job-readiness, and prepare them for their futures in the world of work.
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Public Speaking & Presentation Skills

This course will help beginner and intermediate speakers find their voice, learn how to connect with their audience, communicate with clarity, and present compelling, persuasive and inspirational speeches, whatever the situation.

Increasing Immunization Confidence

Prepare your healthcare staff to engage in immunisation conversations with patients & families.

TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 1: SBAR

Help your nursing staff and students feel prepared to share patient information using the SBAR communication formula.

TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 2: Check-Back

Empower your nursing staff and students with a gold-star standard technique for reducing risks of miscommunication. 

TeamSTEPPS® Toolkit Module 3: CUS

Help your nursing staff and students feel empowered and confident when raising clinical concerns.

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