Humanitarian Leadership Academy

A Safeguarding VR training simulation for the aid sector.

The Brief

Are you ready to respond to someone who shares details of a safeguarding incident?

Conversations with survivors of exploitation and abuse can be challenging, and while traditional options to practice those conversations are available, they are often not scalable or emotionally engaging.

Bodyswaps worked with the Humanitarian Leadership Academy to develop an immersive learning tool to empower NGOs around the world to transform safeguarding-related behavior among aid workers and volunteers at scale.


Our Approach

We worked with subject matter experts to identify the behavioral traits preventing reporting of safeguarding incidents and devised an experience to practice overcoming those in a safe environment and building self-confidence.

In Safeguarding VR, the learner gets an opportunity to use his or her own voice and body language and practice having a conversation with a virtual human named Susan; a survivor of a safeguarding incident. Then, thanks to our AI-powered Virtual Trainer analytics, the learner gets personalised recommendations on how to improve and an opportunity to restart the conversation.

This new approach to learning aims to provide an impactful and cost-efficient answer to the challenge of delivering behavioral change at scale.




Initially piloted by Save The Children, the UNHRC, the International Labor Organisation and the Norway Refugee Council, the experience saw:

- 89% of learners report looking to apply what they learned with BODYSWAPS to their work

-93% of learners would recommend BODYSWAPS to their colleagues

-86% of Learning Managers reported looking to roll the training further into their organisation

The experience has won the awards “Best Project in Training & Education” as well as the “Grand Prix” at Virtuality 2019 and is now available for Oculus Quest and well as on iOS and Android.


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